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Another Pixar Hit

Inside Out 2 Debut Rotten Tomatoes Score

Another Pixar Hit?

Review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, has scored Inside Out 2 with a positive 92% out of the first 202 reviews. The average rating for the film is 7.71/10.

The original Inside Out was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $857 million worldwide. It also won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film. Inside Out 2 is expected to be another big hit for Pixar, and its Rotten Tomatoes score is a good sign that the film is well-received by critics.

While Inside Out 2 doesn't quite reach the original's 98% score, it does earn a "Fresh" rating. This means that the film is considered to be good quality and is worth seeing.

The sequel follows Riley in her teenage years, and it explores the new emotions that she experiences. The film has been praised for its humor, heart, and originality. It is a must-see for fans of the original Inside Out and for anyone who enjoys a good animated film.
